Saturday, 8 July 2017

The Dragon Reborn (Wheel of Time #3)

The Dragon Reborn - Robert Jordan

5/5 Stars

 I don't think I have ever been this invested in a series before and I'm so happy! I understand some people's reasoning for not liking The Wheel of Time, as yes... it's filled with a lot of cliches and tropes (at least in the first book) However, I just happen to love each and every one of these tropes! While I'm glad more modern fantasy has developed and become more original, I just find it so refreshing to go back to the genre at its core and this series just makes me so happy for them reasons :D

The Dragon Reborn is actually my favourite book so far and this is why...

In this instalment, there is much less POV time for Rand and I actually think this does wonders for the series, as it allows every other character and plot line to develop massively. For example, I feel as though the female characters really come into their own in this book and become their own individual person with their own distinct personalities. Whereas previously I couldn't help but get confused between Egwene and Nynaeve, as I didn't think there was much separating them. While they are still not my favourite characters in the series, I absolutely loved their scenes in this book as they reminded me so much of why I love A Feast for Crows (A Song of Ice and Fire #4), due to all the
slowly built up secrecy and court intrigue! (but the White Tower version)

We also get more Perrin, who is my favourite of the 3 Edmond's Field boys! I also started to really grow towards Mat in this book, as he became so much more entertaining to read about and not annoying in the slightest! I also loved Queen Morgase, as she reminds me of Queen Elizabeth 1 crossed with the Queen of Hearts and it just makes me laugh xD I also found Lanfear incredibly interesting as a character and can't wait to learn more about her and her motives!

But what really made this book my favourite in the series so far was the pacing and how it was structured. The pacing was consistently on the increase and slowly built up to an epic climax that definitely satisfies! Also we stayed with one character enough to really develop the story arc before switching POV, instead of switching every other chapter, which can sometimes be quite jarring as in other fantasy books. And then to top it off plot points from the previous two books come back into play and it's just.... *claps* Well played Mr Jordan well played.

I absolutely love this series and I am so glad there are still 11 books to go! All it needs now is a circus and my life is complete!

Spoiler alert- Nynaeve tugs her braid... a lot...

My Goodreads Review

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