The Wicked + The Divine, Vol 1 : The Faust Act
4/5 Stars
I haven't read many Graphic Novels, but I was suddenly in the mood for one and The Wicked and the Divine has been sitting on my shelf for a while now so thought I'd finally pick it up.
I'm so glad I did because it was so much fun! After recently reading American Gods by Neil Gaiman, I can't help but draw comparisons between the two, as they have similar concepts. (not plot). I have to say that I found this way of tackling the theme of Gods in our modern world to be much more entertaining. I actually found myself laughing to myself (on the inside) at the witty lines from each character. This use of humour also really helped to outline the characters' personalities and different quirks. Plus, the fact that the Gods come back as pop stars I found funny in itself :D
The plot was no where near as confusing and hard to follow as some reviews suggest, but maybe I just accepted that I wasn't going to know every single thing about everyone straight away. However, whether people liked the plot or not, I think it's a common opinion that the art is amazing and beautiful to look at!
This has definitely encouraged me to pick up some more Graphic Novels in the future and carry on with this series :)
My Goodreads Review

This has definitely encouraged me to pick up some more Graphic Novels in the future and carry on with this series :)